Comet in Moominland

Comet Neowise

After many unsuccessful attempts, blame town lights (especially floodlit kick-about football ground for the youth of Kissamos), our illuminated swimming pool (a safety issue), streetlights, and for several days we blamed the neighbouring house for being in the way. Eventually we spoke to our neighbours, Phil and Shehina, who told us we were looking in entirely the wrong place. We also blamed the Gramvousa Peninsulae. So we proposed an expedition to Falasana to get a dark and unobstructed view. It turned out to be the perfect spot and we got a naked eye view of comet and tail. Also through
binoculars. Quite special, just below the Plough and over the mystery dark of the Western Mediterranean. Of course we are not in Moomin land but Western Crete. But it's such a nice title and it might inspire some of you to re-visit the Tove Jansson shelf. Ever since we bought SNORK MAIDEN I
have been a fan-So get another thank you to her previous owner who had the good sense to choose a great name and to clear its use with the author herself!


(YES it is a music link)

This morning (Sunday) we took an early drive to Falassana beach. It is one of the major attractions of Western Crete but fortunately not many tourists are about at 0900. We found a spot between the rocks and made our little camp. There was a hint of a swell and breaking waves but our tiny beach allowed us to get into the water. We are becoming used to snorkelling in wavy environments and its clear that the fish really enjoy the waves. We explored a whole under-waterscape with caves, canyons, arches.


Just July

We didn't intend to be here in July, thinking that it would be too hot, too crowded with a burnt out landcape.  Now I am so glad we are here to experience this full on summer season.  The evening sun through the seed heads of the spring and early summer flowers look incerdible in the evening light, and I especially like this view with Gramvousa shadowy in the background.  This view from the roadside, close to a building plot we are weighing up with almost daily visits.


This is a herb growing in our garden here - apparently good for tea.  I am not sure what it is or what the tea does!  Shehina, Tina, Eleni, Rebecca HELP!  it looks great and is a really good ground cover.

'Our' pomegranates also doing really well.  I will put up another photo when they ripen.

Adventures in fish world continue.  I think all that time in the pool has eventually paid off.  I am much happier snorkelling than I used to be, so long as we are not too far out in the big blue.  Generally the best fish life is near the rocky shelves, so that's not too much of a problem.  I can crawl for speed and scull when we are strolling about in the underwater garden.  Plenty of fish life to play with, incluidng miniature groupers.  I also saw a crab today - fairly unusual down here, and this one was fairly deep - very different from the rock pool crabs of the Atlantic coast.


Al has been running lots of video since we have been here.  We could use an enthusiastic editor now.  But if you want to see another hair raising road trip, have a look at Al's Facebook.  and look for the road to Νωπήγια (Nopigia).  Be warned, there is a soundtrack!!


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